Hon. Bryan Acheampong

Minister of Food and Agriculture

About FSRP

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), having identified common natural phenomena which impede food production in the sub region (like floods, droughts, the spread of pests, livestock diseases, among others), has found it expedient to coordinate efforts among its member nations, to strengthen food system risk management in the sub region. The programme’s development objective is to increase preparedness against food insecurity and build resilience of food systems in participating countries. In line with this, FSRP, which is being implemented in Ghana through the Ministry of Agriculture, will roll out a combination of adaptive, innovative and sustainable interventions, that will arm vulnerable households, families, farmers and communities, to withstand uncertainty and shocks in food production and supply in the sub-region. Under the regional arrangement, Ghana is focusing on Rice, Maize, Soyabean and Poultry. ....

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