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This component will establish decision support systems to prevent and manage agriculture and food crisis and response by integrating data and leveraging cutting edge science, innovation and technologies. Also, regional capacity will be strengthened and institutional sustainability as well as private sector engagement enhanced to provide demand-driven digital advisory services. The two sub-components are:
Regional Sub-component 1.1 - Upgrading Food Crisis Prevention & Monitoring Systems:
This aims to transform the regional food and agriculture risk management architecture (food security relevant data collection, analysis, forecast and management) in order to provide information and advisory services to support risk management decisions. This would be done by strengthening the capabilities, coordination and organization of agriculture, hydrology and meteorology (AGRHYMET) and other institutions mandated to fulfil these functions at the regional level as well as systematically engaging the private sector. It will also support:
i. Regional institutional capacity for monitoring and delivering information services on food security including through the "Cadre Harmonise";
ii. Strengthening the existing regional agriculture information system by integrating regional multidimensional vulnerability data information systems to support decision making through improved advisory, Hydromet and early warning services;
iii. Reorganizing existing and developing new pest and disease monitoring and management mechanisms; and
iv. Regional collaboration through the facilitation of the regionally harmonized approaches in relation to the above including development of a learning platform for national climate information providers (public & private). Institutions will be supported with improved ground-based data collection systems and high-end digital tools such as satellites, ground stations, weather stations, last-mile radio systems, flowmeters, drones, barometer, computer processors, etc.
National Sub-Component 1.2 - Strengthening Creation And Provision Of Digital Advisory Services For Farmers: National Sub-Component 1.2 - Strengthening Creation And Provision Of Digital Advisory Services For Farmers:
i. Capacity building and institutional strengthening activities for Hydromet and Agromet service providers (public and private) at the national level;
ii. Enhancing the national capability to observe Hydromet phenomena to supplement regional and global weather data and infrastructure;
iii. Development and provision of impact-based forecasting, warning and advisory services to respond to the demands of the agriculture and food security;
iv. Support the timely delivery of agro-meteorological information to farmers using multi- modal channels including ICT in partnership with the private sector; and • Support to the development of climate information that can better inform the development of agriculture and risk financing instruments.
Expected Outcomes of Component 1:
a. Strengthened data systems of MOFA, GMeT & other institutions
b. Improved public-private engagement
c. More accurate & timely agro-advisory information to users
d. Linkages between national and regional databases
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